Export Control

   Export control is an important component of WMD non-proliferation regime that is based on adherence to the international legal norms and treaties obligations as well as on the control measures over international transfers of "sensitive" goods aimed at countering terrorism and reducing the risk of WMD proliferation and means of their delivery.
   In view of this, it is non-proliferation and reducing the risks of using military force is the main purpose of export control. This task is realized through the establishment of an effective state control over international transfers of military, dual-use and other goods that can be subjected to export control procedures due to the national interests and international security causes. First of all, the relevance of the national export control is determined by two factors - particularly by the ability to promote the interests of international security and by ensuring the country’s own national interests.
   This section covers the most topical export control pillars comprising information on the international export control regimes, non-proliferation treaties and agreements, existing limitations and restrictions for supply of certain goods (works, services), international best practices, export control legislation, practical aspects for exporters and more.


Practical aspects for exporters

International export control regimes, nonproliferation agreements

Export Control Guidebook

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