Conferences and workshops 2017


United States Department of Commerce
Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) Workshop on Government Ethics for the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (Customs)
Kyiv, August 7-8, 2017

On August 7-8, 2017, CLDP conducted a Workshop on Government Ethics for SFS of Ukraine in Kyiv, Ukraine to develop anti-corruption strategies and implement a comprehensive integrity program, utilizing international standards and best practices such as the Integrity Codes Developed by the WCO, the UN Convention Against Corruption, the Integrity Guide of the International Chamber of Commerce, and the Kyoto Convention. The workshop explored the impact of corruption on trade and investment, and discuss ethics as a tool to prevent corruption. It also introduced international best practices of government ethics, as well as specific customs mechanisms and procedures to minimize opportunities for corruption.



 United States Department of Commerce
Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP)
Drafting Post Release Control Laws and Regulations
(2nd Meeting PCA Working Group)

Kyiv, June 19-21, 2017


 The objectives of this program are:
1. Review the draft amendment to the UA Customs Code on Post Clearance Audit and customs guarantees system, their compatibility with TFA, Association Agreement/Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (AA/DCFTA) and other international commitments.
2. To assess impact of the draft law on modern customs tools implementation and impact thereof on such trade facilitation issues as authorized economic operators, risk assessment, post clearance audit and the single window.
3. To involve professional organizations and respective private sector into the draft law assessment; the common understanding in both segments can facilitate further approval procedure on ministerial and parliamentary levels.
4. Contribute to further developing of laws and government regulations necessary to implement the WTO TFA requirements in Ukraine.
5. Provide overview on U.S. and EU practice in Post Clearance Audit and Customs debt management to SFS and respective public sector. Promote the best practice of implementation of TFA and other international standards to Customs and


United States Department of Commerce
Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP)
Workshop on Transparent and Efficient Procurement in Ukraine: Best Value for Money

Kyiv, May 3-5, 2017

 The workshop was focused on three industries (construction, medical supplies, and food) and discussed how to achieve best value for money utilizing international best practices – encompassing the following:
• Centralized Procurement (framework agreements)
• Selection Methods
• Market Research
• Technical Specifications
• Evaluation Criteria
• Contract Management
The workshop brought together about 15 Moldovan and about 45 Ukrainian participants, inclusive of the private sector.


  United States Department of Commerce
Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP)
Workshop on Transparent and Efficient Court Administration
Kyiv, April 26-28, 2017

 The objectives of this program are to:
1. Investigate U.S. and international best practices for solutions to the challenges of efficient administration of justice in Ukrainian courts, including the minimization of frivolous complaints claiming judicial misconduct or lack of integrity.
2. Investigate judicial ethics and conflicts of interest in the context of the U.S. practice and the Ukrainian Code of Judiciary Ethics.
3. Investigate U.S. and international best practices on case management in order to propose ways to adapt those practices for Ukraine.
4. Investigate U.S. and international best practices regarding the application of expert testimony, in order to propose ways to adapt those practices for Ukraine.

United States Department of Commerce
Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP)
Trans-Caspian Workshop on Trade Facilitation and Cross-Border Issues and Central Asia-Afghanistan Expert Level Working Group on Customs Issues
Odesa, April 4-7, 2017

On April 4-7, 2017, CLDP supported workshop on Trans-Caspian trade facilitation and cross-border issues and the Central Asia-Afghanistan Regional working Group on Customs Issues in Odesa, Ukraine. CLDP sponsored the attendance of officials from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Pakistan. The meeting seeked to foster greater trade ties and cooperation across the Trans-Caspian region by including representatives from Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, and Moldova to discuss, among other things, legal and procedural reforms undertaken and ongoing in each country to further trade facilitation.
CLDP invited expert advisors from the U.S. and EU, including from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the World Customs Organization, and the EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) to lead discussions and case studies on:
•    Trade Facilitation Generally: including such matters as advance rulings, authorized traders, border agency co-operation, inter-governmental cooperation, enquiry points, single-window, post-clearance audits, and risk-management;
•    Harmonization of Customs Regulations and Practices: including recent harmonization measures and efforts undertaken; measurable benefits of harmonization; and the benefits and challenges of harmonization observed in the course of carrying out customs procedures;
•    Intermodal/Multimodal Transport: including recent legal or regulatory amendments to facilitate intermodal transport; adoption or implementation of any related international codes; adoption or implementation of any special customs instruments for processing and clearance; amended rules or procedures related to electronic or other pre-declarations; security issues (sealed containers).

 United States Department of Commerce
Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP)
Workshop “WTO TFA Agreement in Ukraine:
Legislative and Institutional Impediments to Implementation”
Kyiv, February 22-24, 2017


 The objectives of this program are:
1. Review the status of both current and draft laws and regulations on such trade facilitation issues as authorized economic operator, risk assessment, post clearance audit and the single window.
2. Identify and recommend solutions to the legislative and regulatory deficiencies in Ukraine’s ability to implement the WTO TFA requirements – including authorized economic operators, risk assessment, post clearance audit and single window.
3. Contribute to further developing laws and government regulations, necessary to implement the WTO TFA requirements in Ukraine.
4. Provide practical training for customs officials on the implementation of post clearance audits on the train-the-trainer basis.

Workshop on Government Procurement
and Anti-Corruption II
Kyiv, January 30 – 31, 2017


On January 30-31, 2017, CLDP, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, as well as the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Anti-Monopoly Committee, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Ukrainian judiciary and other related authorities, held workshop II on procurement and anti-corruption in Kyiv, Ukraine. The participants also included international experts and the private sector.
The workshop reviewed a number of previously identified aspects of the legislative and regulatory framework in Ukraine, with a view to more effective and efficient application of the procurement procedures, including the review process, both by the procurers and the suppliers; ways to implement in the Ukrainian legal environment the internationally accepted best practices of other WTO GPA parties; and strategies to implement further potential legislative and institutional reforms.

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